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Get to Know
Our AMAZING Therapy Herd!
All of our horses and donkeys are rescues and surrenders who get to heal alongside
their human companions.
Learn how to sponsor a horse or donkey by going to our Support page today!!
or email Jennifer Fenton at
Barbie | Bea | Benny |
Bocelli | Brave One | Buck |
Calli | Chance | Chili |
Chuck | Cisco | Dave |
Doc | Doll | Dunn |
Fred | Lola | Luna |
Max | Milo | Misty |
Moe | Monella | Nashville |
Patches | Patrick | Puff |
Remmi | Rita & Beau | Scotti |
Skipper | Skye | Smokey |
Sneakers | Tucker | Tulu |
Wellington | Zooey | Zeus |
Zeena | Ziggy | Zoomey Q-Tip |
Eddy | Belly | Penny |
Simon | Lulu |
In Remembrance
Butter | Frank |
Reba | Elvis |
Hope | Eli |
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